Santa's here!
Yes, Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived in P.G. tonight, having passed through Canada and the United States on their pre-Christmas run from the North Pole. The local politicians were out in force and there were the mandatory opening prayer and singing of the National Anthem. Next the switch was pulled and the town Christmas tree shone in all its glory.
Finally a siren was heard in the distance… “They’re coming! Santa and Mrs. Clause, by fire truck!” The park was crowded with children and adults. I think the children had received a ticket at school for a gift from Santa. All went well and it didn’t rain.
St. Joseph’s Church is now Christmas decorated. There really isn’t enough room for a Christmas tree, a Jesse tree and an Advent wreath, but there they are, and it’s just once a year! On Sunday we are having our Service of Lessons and Carols.
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