VIM in Belize No Longer

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Extended Vacation Down East

This has been an unusual few weeks for me. It began on October 21 with my arrival in St. John, New Brunswick for a one-week vacation with my sister and brother-in-law in the town of St. Stephen. Two days in we crossed the border for a round of US golf, in the process of which I lost at least 4 golf balls (actually about par for me!). Things went downhill from there.

The following evening I began to experience serious pain and instead of going to church the next morning went to Emergency at the local hospital. "Serious urinary infection" was the diagnosis and I was sent off with a prescription for antibiotics. In the morning I was back at Emerg. and now it was "very serious infection. You aren't leaving here for a while." "A while" turned out to be over a week, after which I was advised to remain in the area and they would arrange for a "trans-urethral resection of the prostate" - (not serious, just necessary). Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth I agreed. Tomorrow I go to the Saint John Regional Hospital for the procedure and then, if all goes well, will be back with my very understanding hosts for a few more days before finally bringing my extended vacation to an end.

Yesterday I was treated to a meal at the Chinese food restaurant just down the road. Might as well check out my fortune cookie, eh?

"Need some adventure and enjoyment? Take a vacation."

P.S. Many thanks to everyone who has been with me through this process including: my family, the hospital staff, and all who have been upholding me in their prayers.


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