VIM in Belize No Longer

Monday, August 29, 2005

Well, here we are, thousands of feet above the Gulf of Mexico I expect, though I can see nothing of it as I have an aisle seat. I feel as if all my friends are here with me, and so, I suppose, you are. Thanks to all of you who made my departure so stress free (at least for me). Perhaps by now you have discovered all the things I have left undone and which you now have to look after! But getting to the plane was a breeze, thanks to Jim and Pat who made sure I was organized at home, Bill and Kate who packed for me, Diana who drove me to Oshawa, Steve and Jeanine who drove me to Bolton, John and Susan who put me up for the night and and took me to the airport by 6:30am. And they are just the ones who helped in my last few hours in Canada!

In a cople of hours the process will start over as a whole new set of friends-to -be move in and look after this new volunteer from Canada. I wonder if they will have any idea of the host of people back home who have helped this happen.

My camera is packed in the check-on luggage so no photos accompany this, but check back soon


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