And now it's official!
A parent and his friend came to school on Thursday when all the children were away for their long weekend holiday.
This morning (Monday) squeals of excitement could be heard from the grounds of St. Joseph’s Anglican Preschool as the youngsters put their new toy through its paces. Following a Thank You Prayer and a ribbon cutting ceremony the new Preschool Playground was officially opened and user tested. Exchange teacher Bonnie Willey, from Virginia, did the honours with the scissors as the children looked on only a little impatiently. The playground unit is a gift from
St. Joseph’s Day School in Queens, New York and the Volunteers in Mission Program of the Anglican Church of Canada.
It was an exciting day for the three and four year olds as they also met their new teacher who has volunteered to be with us for three weeks with her husband, Wink, while Betty will be in Virginia getting experience at the Day School attached to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Norfolk. Bonnie and Wink have been part of missions to St. Joseph’s twice before and it’s great to welcome them back.