VIM in Belize No Longer

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Stop The World..... (not really!)

What a busy couple of weeks these have been for a retired old man! They included meetings, preaching, delivering flyers, Lenten Bible Study, extra church services, helping at Treasure Trove (our church's used clothing store) and the first couple of games in the World Baseball Classic. And, of course, getting ready for my move in between times. Fortunately, right in the middle, was a much needed two-day retreat at St. John's Convent in Toronto. Didn't Deacon Barb say "lente" in Latin means slow, and we should slow down?

Pictures this week are of two "houses of worship", the Convent Chapel and the Roger's Centre. The Chapel is beautiful in its simplicity, a wonderful place to retreat, though I didn't particularly appreciate the Lenten chanting. The Ball Park, on the other hand was ablaze with colour and arocking with cheers as Canada almost defeated the US and Venezuela did beat Italy.

It's now after 3am DST and I'll never get to church if I don't get to bed soon.