VIM in Belize No Longer

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Historic House up in Flames

Last night, while I slept soundly across the street, another historic building went up in flames. According to newspaper reports the old farm house, known as the Anota House, was in the process of being sold with the deal to close February 15. The web sites of both local newspapers carry pictures of the sad event.

Here's what I saw this afternoon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You Never Know

I spent about an hour after church this morning taking a few more shots to add to my album (see previous post). Now, you really never know what you'll find when you start looking - that's around the church I mean, not into your soul! Anyway, I found this gem. Probably very few parishioners know he attends every service and twice on Sundays.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The new Camera's Arrived!

Well, my new camera is here and I’m starting a new learning curve. It’s a Cannon SX20 and, unbelievably, it comes without any instruction manual, other than for basic automatic picture taking. But I knew this before I bought so I’ve sent away for a “cheat sheet’ which should arrive tomorrow.

It’s a point and shoot with no provision for extra lenses but a 20x optical zoom and lots of options. There’s a Panasonic something which is almost identical, somewhat cheaper and, I think, a little better built. That would have been my choice except that the Cannon has a fully articulated viewer exactly like the one on the Konica Minolta which broke (the camera not the viewer). It’s just great for any situation where you’re not looking straight on at the subject.

Lately I’ve been building an album of pictures from our church in Port Hope. To check it out go to the “St. John’s” album on my Windows Live profile: