VIM in Belize No Longer

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Services Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday...

Things are moving on – not to say progressing, or that the universe is unfolding as it should – just moving on.

Last Sunday, really the last Sunday of the holidays, almost all our people were away. Also, about eight of the local kids decided to come to church. Since we had no Sunday School teacher and no way of giving them the attention they wanted I had a little opening worship with them and sent them away to come back “later” which they wisely understood to mean “when there might be something to eat”. Once they were gone I pointed out to the few remaining people the bulletin notice about next week’s proposed picnic by the Sea.

Now there were a number bulletins left over and somehow they got into the hands of those local kids. So now everyone wants to come on the picnic! Damage Control! I guess I could have worse problems. We’ll work it out somehow.

We have had another death. Some of you will know Isidro and Landa. Their son in his early twenties was lost at sea leaving a wife and young child. I will be leading the Ninth Day Service this afternoon (Tuesday). Their Forest Home community has been bereaved twice in just a few weeks.

On a happier note, on Saturday I attended a Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Service and Dinner. Felice and Wallace Young have lived in the area all their married life. Her family is native Central American and his were Confederate refugees following the American Civil War. Family and friends came from all over and it was a joyous occasion much as we might have celebrated in Canada. Mr. Young still runs a carpentry shop and has been a real help to me.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Vacation Bible School

The VBS Mission Belize Tour 2006 made its final stop this week at St. Joseph's. A good two days with about 30 children day one and fifty day two. A group of four leaders and two helpers came from St. Luke's Church, Dallas. On the second day we were joined by about 5 Christian college students from California who happened to be in town on their own mission. It was good timing. This is the fourth year for Mission Belize but their first time to PG. They hope to be back next year.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Softball & VBS

Just thought you might like to meet the boys who have been coming out three times a week for a practice and pick-up game. We had expected 60 out for registration and got none, but just by going out to the field day after day we have picked up these few fine young men. I don’t know whether we will ever make a team but we usually have fun. The two big boys at the back are out of our age range but practice and play with us anyway. What I still can’t understand is what happens to the adults who say, time and again, that they will come out and help, but don’t.

Tomorrow is the first day of a two-day Vacation Bible School to be run by a priest and his wife and friends visiting from Texas. I have no idea what sort of a turn out of children to expect, though I think I can count on the adults this time!